Just wanted to type up a short/long note about today's event. I took the opportunity to meet up with a close (former) coworker and friend of mine. I had lunch with my friend in a busy area without any problems. I had a great time socializing and catching up. I feel comfortable around this person and she's a very attractive woman as well. I wish I could say that I am able to exude this automatic behavior to everyone, but it seems to only happen (automatically) with close friends of mine. I realize how talkative I could be. How I'm able to focus externally, rather than internally. I'm able to pay attention to their body language. How I can reciprocate on a topic or change the subject all together without feeling self-conscious. I'm able to make direct eye contact without feeling like I'm intruding on personal boundaries. I had no feeling's of panic or fear of sweating, especially while eating in front of people.
I did partake in a drink (alcohol) and that's what left me a bit dehydrated and in a "sweat" mode. I had to run around and do some shopping (I need comfortable clothes for Disneyland tomorrow). I went to an Old Navy and shopped. They have spot lights installed on top of the store ceilings all throughout. Walking around and being under those lights made me feel flush. I went into this make-shift dressing area and checked myself out. Even though I felt flush, I wasn't sweating as bad as I thought. I even waited in a long line upon paying and I'm happy to report I didn't feel any panic.
However, I will say I'll try to stay away from drinking alcohol or at least I will do a better job at drinking more water. Even a few hours after my Lunch meet up, I feel very tired and dehydrated.
happy for you :*)