This is one of the rare mornings I woke up early without the aid of an alarm. I clocked out at about midnight and woke up at 7 am this morning. That's a good solid 7 hours that I needed. Yesterday was a bit chaotic. I woke up a bit late (10 am) and I had to make sure I packed and loaded my car with my belongings. I finally left my parent's house and got on the road before noon. I figured I'd take an alternate route and view a different scenery. That added an hour of delay, because of road work and one lane roads. I made it through and just when I thought I was safe... I was on the LA highway and I just nearly missed being in an accident. The car to the left of me was speeding and trying to cut through cars. I anticipate everything and I saw that traffic was coming to a halt ahead of us. The car to my left didn't see it and ended up swerving to the carpool lane to avoid the car in front of it. The car behind that ended up swerving and nicked the back of my car. When I looked through my side view mirror, the car that went into the car pool lane actually slammed into the center divider. I hope no one was severely injured, but it didn't look great. I didn't see the damage to my car until I reached my apartment. It wasn't bad, but I called up my insurance to file the proper claims and have it checked out.
Ahhhh... yes, it is a good morning. My back is starting to loosen up (I've been dealing with mid-back pain this past weekend) and I have a busy week to get through. So it's a new change of scene again and a change of pace. Trying to soak everything in.
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