Thursday, April 7, 2011

Nema & MoniqueS

I'd like to say thanks for the support and comments you left me on my previous post. I admit, I had a bit of a weird brake down. I went to bed feeling frightened when I encountered that bald spot on my head. Looking back at the event now, it's funny and very irrational thinking on my part. Yes, I'm at that age where I'm sure my hair will start to recede. Yes, I probably was in a stressfull mode to where hair has been falling out morethan usual. Yes, it really did effect how I thought and felt. And yes, I guess I do value my hair, my youth, my immortaility.

After having days to mull it over. After having my sister look at the spot and tell me it looks like a "scalp and skin" problem rather than a balding problem. After reading your comments.... I felt that reassurance and calmness that I wish I had to begin with.

With all that being said.. Again... Thanks for those comments. It helped put any irrational thoughts at ease and at bay.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhh...You just made my day:) I'm really glad that I could help put things into perspective for you. Anytime you need a word of encouragement,or to share similar experiences, I don't mind.
