Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Junior High Crushes

In junior high, I had crushes on the girls that everyone had a crush on. Looking back at it, I probably had as good of a chance as anyone else had (if not better). I was that shy, cute, and lovable kid. The only problem was, I never flirted back or wrote love notes to the girls.

It's so weird, but somewhat refreshing, to remember the type of kid I was. I'd like to think I was just like all the others kids who went to my school, just a tad bit shy. I remember that this part of my childhood was when all my friends where having girlfriends. They were making out with the girls behind the baseball cage. Yet, I was that shy kid who opted to go on a field trip to the planetarium rather then attend the Junior High Drug Free School Dance. I was that scared. I didn't want to be a wallflower. It was funny, because the dances I did attend after ended up being fun. The girls did want to dance with me. My friend and I also break danced, which "wowed" everyone.

Ok, back to where I was going with the story. I, like every other guy in my grade, had crushes on the popular girls. I never told anyone, because I didn't want to be teased. However, I still treated and talked to the girls all the same way. In band practice, I remember a girl named Alma. I talked to her like she was one of my guy friends. She joked around and I remember feeling comfortable with her. Eventually, she had a crush on me and I was flattered... but frightened. Even as a kid, I was self-conscious about what other kids might think. It freaked me out so, that I tried to be as polite as I could be to not break her heart. 

One of her friends came and talked to me after school trying to get the info. She started inquiring about me and if I liked Alma back in return. I tried to be nice and I don't know how it came I came off, but I remember hinting "ohhh, I hope she doesn't like me... "

It's weird that I even remember this story, because I've had to experience that situation a few times as an adult. And it still is never easy to politely let a girl down. I think too much. I think too much of not wanting to hurt the girls feelings and also not wanting to come off as a bad guy.

It's just funny how my experiences with junior high crushes is not any different then the experiences I've dealt with as an adult. The only difference now would be the immense pressure society (parents, family, people around us) puts on us and how we're suppose to fit a specific norm.

Here's to junior high crushes, to the girls who crushed my heart, and to the hearts I might have crushed.

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