My Bouts with Social Anxiety - I Heart October (S01 E29)
I've mentioned in writings and in my video's of this "Overcoming Social Anxiety: Step by Step" cognitive behavioral therapy. For the longest time, a good full month (maybe two), my CBT participation has dropped. I still retain what I've learned, but I haven't progressed onto newer lessons in over TWO MONTHS. My last participation in any OSA Session was back in August, 17th, 2010. I'm really embarrassed about that, but I'm not kicking myself around. I really need to do something rather than nothing.
That is why I'm joining fellow SA YouTubers (such as janeyfromkorea and tiffanyrp) that are starting from the beginning. Rather than doing NOTHING, I am restarting or reviewing and relearning lesson's I've already learned, lost, or need to redo.
Audio Session #1
I played the first session on my iPhone and listened to it all the way through. If you aren't familiar with Dr. Thomas A. Richards, you basically learn about him and the history he has with Social Anxiety. Actually having Social Anxiety Disorder and overcoming it, he is extremely knowledgeable and makes his explanations as easy as possible. Maybe not the most entertaining explanations, but they are easily understood.
You learn what Social Anxiety Disorder and Social Anxiety in general is. You learn what the symptoms of social anxiety are. You learn about Comprehensive Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CCBT) as a way of overcoming Social Anxiety. Following the Audio Sessions, reviewing your notes, and doing the exercises are CBT.
If you are serious about managing your Social Anxiety, you need to approach it with an open mind. If you go into any situation with "negative" thoughts, then you only reinforce a "negative" outcome. As mentioned on Dr. Ricahrds Site, handouts, and audio session... The series is focused on practical, real-life solutions that will reduce and extinguish the awful effects of social anxiety in your life.
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